Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Date with Zack

This morning we went to Kohl's because they were having a Kids' Day in the parking lot. There were bubbles, a fire truck, face painting, bean bag toss and cookie decorating. Zack started to leave with Daddy (I was kind of working), but then he came running back to me. We made a cookie for him (Daddy wouldn't let him :) ), then got a couple things at Target. We went to McDonald's for lunch and even had hot fudge sundaes! Zack and I don't get that time together very much, so it made me appreciate him a little more, and realize how grown up he is becoming. I also used that time to tell him about Mom, who we call Special Grandma, who passed away when Zack was a month old. I told him about what a special person she really was, always wanting to help those in need, but I also told him little stories about what I remember about her. Like when we went to Dad's barbershop shows and had to get there early for Dad to practice, we would walk across the street to McDonald's and have fish sandwiches (since the shows were always during Lent) and hot fudge sundaes. Somehow I even remember how she would eat her sundaes. ... I know that I'm not anywhere close to being a perfect mom, but I hope that I'm making her proud and I hope that I can help Zack and Xander know about her. ... Happy Mother's Day to all my mommy friends!

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