Monday, July 27, 2009

Praying for Stellan

Ever since I read Kate's Not Me Monday post, I've been hooked on MckMama. She is the mother of four, and the youngest, Stellan has a heart condition that puts him into SVT (very rapid heartbeat) ever now and then. Stellan is in the hospital right now, and has been in SVT for 2-3 days. I can only imagine what this mother is going through, seeing her child suffering and not being able to do anything about it, but she puts her hope and her child's life in God's hands. In this most recent post, she uses words that I've not heard her use before, so she and Stellan must really be in bad shape. Please pray for Stellan (and all heart babies, and all sick babies, and all babies) and kiss your own babies and thank God for every day that you have with them.

This is something that I need to remember when Xander is getting into the movies and trying to play with the phone and Zack is punching the neighbor and running up and down the hall screaming at the top of his lungs. I need to be thankful that they can see and hear and talk and walk and run.

This is something that I need remember when I take Xander to the doctor because he bit his tongue and it bled (mixed with drool) all over his sheet or when Zack falls down outside and scrapes his knee. I need to be thankful that they do not have wires attached to them and doctors constantly poking them.

This is something that I need to remember when I'm fighting with the boys to take a nap. I need to be thankful that they are able to sleep in their own beds instead of in a hospital bed, where they could be scared or alone.

This is something that I need to remember when Xander will not eat anything we put in front of him, except hot dogs, or Zack complains because I gave him juice instead of water. I need to be thankful that they don't have to be fed through a tube or worse, go to bed starving every night.

This is something that I need to remember when I'm at the end of my rope, wondering why I ever had children! I need to be thankful for these wonderful people that I have the pleasure of being with every day, craziness, messes and all!


  1. Such a good post, I can relate to many of those situations. Bringing to mind how blessed we are to even have some of the struggles we do makes getting thru them easier.
    Prayers fo sweet Stellan.

  2. I made your name a link by highlighting it, then selecting the "link" button, it's the one that looks like a little world with a chain link in front of it. A small box comes up where up put in whatever web address you want. And that's it!
