Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Not My Child

So this is another one of MckMama's blog carnivals. Go over to her sight to check it out.

It was not my child who was splashing and playing the puddle formed at the bottom of Eileen's driveway last week. He did not jump up and down in it, sit in it, push his hands through the mud and make wet, muddy handprints all over Uncle D's car. He was not completely soaked from head to toe, so much that he had to be stripped completely before even coming inside. Not my child!

It is not my child who is sometimes so focused on reading that he will hold the book in front of his face while he is walking down the steps. I'm just waiting for the day that he falls or walks into something.

It was not my child who bit his older brother while staying at a friend's house, but not mostly because he was tired. He did not get served a delicious meal (tortelini, pepperoni and broccoli) at said friend's house only to push his plate away without touching the food. He did not nearly knock me over while trying to climb on my lap because I was holding said friend's sweet baby girl (and my God-daughter :) ). He is certainly not a Mama's boy!! (and I didn't get him a shirt that says so for his birthday)

It was not my child who declared that his baby brother was being too loud in the car. He did not demand that his brother be quiet because he was tired. He did not try to get away without taking a nap at first, by closing the door and reading books in bed. He did not then sleep for at least 2 hours, while his 2-year-old brother only slept an hour and a half.

I was not wondering what I was going to write for this post, only to get on a roll, and I didn't stay up for an additional 30 minutes after getting home from a crazy night at work to write it. My contacts are not now drying out so much that I have to squint to see what I am typing. I am not going to be grumpy when my child (who will be 2 in 2 days) wakes me up at the crack of dawn because his internal clock tells him it's time to get up. I will not try to think of more things to post next week because I having fun with this post right now. Okay, I'm not done.

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