Sunday, January 25, 2009

Remarkable Kid and Cookie Adventure

Xander learned a new skill (?) today! He has a shape sorter that has 6 shapes, with three holes on each end of a cylinder. As he was playing with it today, he would pick up a shape. If it didn't go on the end that was facing up, he turned the whole thing over. I don't think he realized exactly what he was doing, but he was kind of matching the colors. He got almost every shape in the correct whole on the first try. What was really cool was that we could actually see him thinking, see his thought process. He would pick up a shape and hold it close to the holes to see if it matched. It's just a remarkable blessing to watch a child learn something new!

So here's another adventure that we had on Saturday. I decided to make cookies, but not the kind that you take out of a package and place on the cookie sheet. We actually had to measure and mix the ingredients!! I went to the grocery store because we didn't have enough sugar or vanilla. When I got back home, I realized that I didn't have enough flour either (I thought there was some in the cabinet, but we only had what was in the canister). So I had to borrow that from my neighbor. As I was getting back home with the flour, I heard Mark fussing at Zack in the kitchen, and I came inside to find an egg cracked open and all over the kitchen floor. Zack had decided to help, and since he dropped that one, he was getting two more out of the carton. (Mark now knows how hard it is to clean up raw egg from the floor.) The boys both helped with the mixing. Xander fell off the stool and tried to put his teeth through his lip, plus he was covered with sticky brown sugar. Zack was helping to stir the dry ingredients gently, but somehow ended up with flour all over his pants. Oh, and when the directions say to leave the cookies on the cookies for 2 minutes, then cool completely on a rack, they mean only 2 minutes. I had to leave the cookies on the sheet for about 10 minutes while I put Xander down for a nap, and I broke up two or three cookies trying to scrape them off. The good news is the cookies turned out really yummy!!

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